Almost on a daily basis a patient makes the statement, "I do not need x-rays. I'm fine."
I secretly find the statement amusing because, even I, their dentist, cannot make the statement that they are fine, with any certainty, without the diagnostic aid of dental x-rays. Why? I do not have x-ray vision!
Here are just some things a dentist cannot see without the eyes of the dental x-ray:
- Tooth decay ("cavities") on surfaces that are not visible to the naked eye. These surfaces include root areas and inbetween the teeth areas. That is more than half of your total tooth structure!
- The level of bone supporting the tooth roots. This is a measure of gum health.
- Impacted wisdom teeth and/or other impacted teeth.
- Tooth infections or abscesses.
- Cysts or cancers.
- Integrity of existing dental work - fillings, crowns, posts, root canals.
Dental x- rays are a necessary part of your check-up oral evaluations. Please opt to have them taken at appropriate intervals.