Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Does Tea Discolour Teeth?

Tea stains vessels, clothes and upholstery is bound to stain your teeth too, over a period of time. So if these beverages of regular consumption do discolour teeth, do you stop consuming them? That’s surely not the solution by any means! There are ways to manage discolouration of teeth caused due to beverage consumption. While some of them could be carried out at home, others would require visits to the dentists.

discolouration in the dental plaque and not the tooth itself. This plaque needs to be cleaned or flossed away within a period of 24 hours. In case it remains in the teeth, it hardens to form what we commonly call tartar. This tartar is a porous substance and absorbs stains caused by other food items as well. Eventually, your teeth look ugly and stained. In such cases you need to conduct a dental cleaning process which can effectively remove the tartar and the stains would disappear with them.

Dealing with Tooth Discolouration

Some of the most effective remedies to deal with tooth discolouration include the following:

Always remember to rinse your mouth thoroughly with tap water, every time you consume any caffeinated beverage. Regular brushing and flossing of teeth is a must. Flossing is an excellent way to remove dental plaque on a regular basis. This will prevent formation of hardened tartars. Make a paste with some common salt and baking soda. Use this to brush your teeth at least two times a week. Although this might not have a whitening impact on the teeth, it will surely help in removing stains. Consider rinsing your mouth with a hydrogen peroxide solution after brushing. This will help in dealing with the stains much more easily. You can also consider using an electric toothbrush for cleaning purposes. These are known to be especially effective in cleaning plaque and tartar. Always use a good quality whitening toothpaste for effective reduction of stains. You could also try some bleaching kits at home. Buy ones which contain hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide as bleaching agents.

Finally, if the stains continue to persist despite your best efforts, consider paying a visit to the dentist. He would carry out a complete cleaning of your teeth and gums and you can actually see the stains visibly disappearing. Remember paid dental procedures such as these might prove to be expensive and time consuming at the same time. So consider giving tea addiction a second thought.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What to Eat After Dental Surgery?

Good diet and nourishment is of utmost significance especially when a person is recuperating from a dental surgery. If one knows what to eat and eats the appropriate diet, it guarantees quick recovery and also reduces the possibility of excessive dry socket and blood loss. Post oral surgery phase is a very critical stage and must not be managed without the supervision of dental specialists. In case the patient has been prescribed some antibiotics, he may have to exclude dairy products from his diet chart. In fact, for a couple of days following the surgery the patient should go in for either drinking beverages such as tea or water or foods that are soft.

In the post dental surgery period, a person needs to know what to eat and must include sufficient amount of fibre and protein in the diet. Liquids should also form a predominant part of the diet. Good dietary liquids include nourishing fruit and vegetable juices, milkshakes, energy drinks, instant breakfast drinks and fruit smoothies. Immediately after oral surgery, oatmeal, soft scrambled eggs, soft fruits, well cooked rice and cream of wheat should be included in the diet of the patient. Avoid carbonated or aerated beverages, hot fluids and spicy food after oral surgery. The patient must eat those food items that do not cause irritation to one’s surgery spot. Foods such as puddings, yoghurt, custard, vegetable broth, ice-creams, applesauce, cream soups, and mashed potatoes are soothing to the spot of surgery. Anything that needs to be sucked should be stringently avoided as this can hinder the blood clot formation in the mouth, resulting in excessive bleeding. Though meat and the dairy products are an excellent source of protein and energy, they need to be avoided. Instead, you can eat mashed potatoes, soft cheeses and tofu. Moreover, food items including canned fish, poached fish, hummus, meat loafs, mashed pinto beans and shredded meat are supposed to be included in the diet as they do not require much of chewing. Peanut butter, seed and nut oils are also recommended.

What to eat after dental surgery is an important query that needs to be addressed to every patient. The latest innovations in the field of medicine and pharmacy have made the surgical methods and process less agonising and more tolerable on the part of the patient. As the patient is under the influence of medication when he returns home, he must ensure that he sticks to the prescribed painkillers and must not eat anything without the approval of the doctor.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Tooth Decay

Symptoms of Tooth Decay in Toddlers

Tooth decay is one of the most common tooth problems in toddlers. In dental decay, cavities are formed on the outer layer of the tooth. These cavities are formed due to the collapse of hard dental issues which lead to a mild tooth decay. Rarely does tooth decay go unnoticed. If so, it may rupture the surrounding nerves and tissues of the gum.

Cause of Tooth Decay in Children

Bacterial infection is a main cause of tooth decay. Bacteria’s reside on the surface of the tooth and gets it nourishment from the foods and drinks consumed by toddlers. These bacteria produce acids and fluids that may affect the coating of the tooth and a visible change in the colour and texture of the tooth will be easily noticed. The bacterium harms the enamel of the tooth over time and decay becomes inevitable.

Risk Factors for Tooth Decay

Heredity dental health may impact the toddler’s oral hygiene. Consumption of sweetened and starchy foods in the form of chocolates or natural sweeteners may increase the risk of tooth decay in your toddler. If teeth are not brushed regularly, it will lead to tooth and gum damage in a matter of months. Frequent snacking will increase the amount of time the teeth are in contact with acids; this will lead to tooth decay.

Symptoms of Tooth Decay

The intensity of the symptoms may vary from child to child. The symptoms may occur individually or in combinations. The symptoms of tooth decay are enlisted below:

Toddler may face difficulty while chewing or swallowing the food. A noticeable jaw inflammation may manifest. Bad breathe may be a result of tooth decay due to plague. Bleeding while brushing due to hyper sensitivity. Gum inflammation especially at the root of the tooth. Pits and holes at the central pit of the tooth. Spots on the tooth of white, gray, black or brown in colour. A broken tooth is more susceptible to tooth decay. Swollen glands may be a sign of tooth decay. Tartar may irritate the gums leading to gingivitis in toddles if left ignored.

Diagnosis of Tooth Decay

The most obvious sign of tooth decay is hyper sensitivity and tooth ache. However, your toddler may not be able to communicate these issues to you verbally. The parents would need to check for visible signs to monitor and gauge any sign or symptom of tooth decay.

Does Tea Discolour Teeth?

Tea stains vessels, clothes and upholstery is bound to stain your teeth too, over a period of time. So if these beverages of regular c...